Male breast reduction surgery is a procedure that can help men deal with the discomfort caused by gynecomastia, a condition where men develop large breasts. While this condition is not harmful, it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. The treatment of gynecomastia is a way to get rid of overdeveloped male breasts, which is a condition that affects almost thirty to fifty percent of men worldwide.
Gynecomastia or male breast reduction surgery is the best way to get rid of overdeveloped breasts in men. With this, you will be able to have a more masculine body structure and feel happier and more confident about your physical appearance.
The most common cause of breast enlargement is weight gain. In some cases, where only one breast is enlarge, it can be related to genetic factors or even medical conditions. Still, the majority of enlarge breasts in men is cause by obesity and weight gain.
Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Breast reduction surgery for men can help to some extent. This is a procedure where the doctor will remove fat or glandular tissues from the breasts to make them smaller. If done correctly, there is no visible scarring on the skin of the breast. Removing excess skin that has been stretch due to the increase in the size of the breast may leave scars at least on the upper part of your arm but this can be hidden with clothes or makeup. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes between two and three hours to complete.
If you’re considering breast reduction surgery, it can be helpful to have a thorough understanding of what the procedure entails. Understand how much recovery time you’ll need, how your breasts will look and function post-surgery, and what to expect from the process as a whole.
Surgery Good For Everyone
Know that not everyone needs breast reduction surgery. For those who are excessively overweight, doctors discourage the procedure. And men who excessively drink alcohol or smoke marijuana cannot be candidates for the surgery. Doctors encourage these patients to stop their abuse of these substances and see if there is a considerable reduction in their breast size before surgery is consider an option.
The success of breast reduction surgery also depends upon how big your breasts are and how much excess skin there is. Since both these factors can be determined only after conducting a thorough examination, you should consult a qualified plastic surgeon in-person to know if you can undergo this procedure or not.
Risks of Surgery
Just like all kinds of surgery, breast reduction surgery carries some amount of risks. These would include infections, skin injury, scarring, excessive bleeding, excessive fluid loss or accumulation, and even a negative reaction to anesthesia. The surgery may also result in permanent and noticeable scars and even mismatched breasts or nipples. There are even some cases where some patients had to undergo a second surgery to correct these mishaps.
Tell your surgeon everything you know. He will need to make a complete medical history check to see if you are a qualified patient. Gynecomastia, in the first place, can be caused by medical diseases like impaired liver function and diabetes. Also, some medications have been reported to increase the chances of getting gynecomastia. These would include estrogen-containing medications and body-building steroids.
Cost of Surgery
Breast reduction surgery can be very costly. For the procedure alone, it ranges from $3,000 to $5,000, excluding the hospital fee, medications, doctor’s fee, and post-operation expenses and it also depends on the area or size of your breast. It also is not cover in most insurance. Not to mention the risk that is involved in all kinds of surgery. The natural way of reducing those unsightly man boobs is still the best and most proven method. So before you consider getting surgery, research further if there are viable options that you can undertake in order for you to lose your man boobs in the fastest and most effective way.
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